CCNA Definitions
Welcome to WiseGuru's community-driven site of CCNA Definitions! The goal of this is a living document is to provide you with concise, relevant definitions for any topic you might encounter on the CCNA. This is not a replacement for an instructor-led course or the Cisco OCG, but should help reinforce what you've learned.
If you're not sure where to start, I'm trying to get everything sorted by their CCNA Objectives and Exam Topics. I'm current objective is to connect all the exam topics, but let me know if I've missed one (and please include its topic)!
I also recommend checking out my Subnetting Walk-through. which you will need to be able to do quickly and reliably on the exam.
Updated Pages
Curious what's been updated since you were last here? Check out the CCNA Definitions vault commits page on GitHub! Click on a commit to see which pages were changed and the exact changes that occurred.
I've just added a Subnetting Walk-through; if you're uncomfortable with Subnetting, give it a look! I'd love to hear YOUR feedback.
If you're struggling with a topic, or if there's an area that would help you in particular (yes, you) study, please let me know! Hit me up through this Google Forms Survey, by submitting an issue on GitHub, or ping me on Reddit (u/WiseGuruToTheMax).
Add these notes directly to your Obsidian Vault
If you would like a copy of these notes directly in your vault, now you can! Just go to this GitHub repository, click on the "Code" dropdown menu, and download it as a zip file. Extract the folders and copy/paste them into your vault, and you should be good to go!
If you have any problems, let me know either through this Google Forms Survey, or by submitting an issue on GitHub.
If you want your vault to update with the site, you can also fork this repository and use GitHub Desktop to synchronize changes. I hope to be posting instructions soon on how to do this, but let me know if you're interested in helping me test.
Help me make this better
This is (and always will be) a work in progress. There are over 250 definitions with various levels of completeness, and they will have incomplete or incorrect information. I started this database of definitions in 2023 part-way through studying for the CCNA, and so some entries were never updated beyond creation or were never created at all.
You can help! If you find any information that is incorrect or incomplete (within the scope of the CCNA), PLEASE submit a ticket on GitHub with a correction and source. I will update the page and add a link to your profile (either GitHub or another service you specify) on the page as a contributor.
Problematic pages has an ongoing list of pages that need review; if you have any suggestions on making them better, let me know!
There are two ways you can submit information; either through this Google Forms Survey, or by submitting an issue on GitHub.
- Please note that any information submitted via the Google Form is anonymous, ONE-WAY communication; I will not be able to follow up with you to answer questions, seek clarification, or update you on the status of the request.
When submitting new information, I would appreciate it if followed this Style Guide/Template, but it's not necessary. Thank you!
Project Goals
If you're familiar with GitHub and the Obsidian markdown editor, I am trying to streamline a process for other students to access these definitions within their own vault. If you have ideas on how this might be accomplished, please reach out to me!
Unoriginal Content
During my studies, I used Jeremy's IT Lab Free CCNA Complete Course 2023 and Neil Anderson's Complete CCNA Udemy Course as my primary sources, and used Boson ExSim to practice for the exam. While I have gone through and tried to remove any duplicated information from their courses, I am sure I have missed some. Please report any unoriginal information to me, and I will replace it with original content.